> Nerd Nite Liberia: February 11, 2014

Nerd Nite Liberia: February 11, 2014

Join us on Tuesday, February 11th for the fifteenth edition of Nerd Nite Liberia!

Presentations include:

Bitcoin: the best currency since monopoly money—By Jen Houston


The Endurance—By Ben Blevins


The Hungry Tide: The Royal Bengal Tigers of the Sundarbans Forest—By Sara Gibson

Here’s more information about the presentations and presenters:

Bitcoin: the best currency since monopoly money—By Jen Houston

Bitcoin is all the rage on headlines these days. There are lovers and there are haters. Regardless of your opinion, people are buying cars, airfare, overstock items, and even living for months on end solely using the digital currency! Join me as I walk you through what exactly these bitcoins are, and why you should care about it. I can’t promise you $200 when you pass Go, but I can promise you that you will leave with more questions about the future of currency and the political process as we know it!

Jen Houston is a teacher at the More Than Me academy. This is her second go at Liberian expat life. In 2011 she worked for Liberty and Justice, the Fair Trade Apparel Manufacturer. Nerding out on unconventional capital markets has always been a leisure activity. She has worked for an impact investing foundation The Eleos Foundation, worked under John Harrington Investments, an ethical asset management firm employing shareholder advocacy and founded an event series called The Good Capitalist to evangelize these ideas. Over Christmas she discovered her own brother is a Bitcoin miner and has fixated her lens on the bitcoin-o-sphere ever since. Jen holds a BA from UC Santa Barbara in Global Studies. (She is not an expert in anything).

The Endurance—By Ben Blevins

100 years since Shakelton’s ill-fated Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, the legend of the Endurance and its crew still ranks as one of history’s greatest adventures.

Ben ‘Barnacle’ Blevins is one of Monrovia’s oldest NGO salts, often spinning yarns as long as his dromedary lashes and getting out of the odd scrape of his own. He enjoys riptides, motorcycles and mosquitoes. 

The Hungry Tide: The Royal Bengal Tigers of the Sundarbans Forest—By Sara Gibson

It is said that if you do not see a tiger while trekking through the Sundarbans, you are lucky- because the Sundarbans are home to the world’s largest man-eating tiger population. Gibson will relate some of her experiences traveling through this region and talk about tiger conservation efforts in India and beyond.

Sara Gibson is a human rights attorney currently working as a Carter Center/Washington & Lee Fellow in the Human Rights Unit of the Ministry of Justice.

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