> Nerd Nite Liberia: May 13, 2014

Nerd Nite Liberia: May 13, 2014

Join us on Tuesday, May 13th at FuZion (Sinkor, 14th and Tubman) at 8pm for the 18th edition of Nerd Nite Liberia!

Presentations include:

Transatlantic textiles: Liberian quilts, world’s fairs, and museum collections—By Stephanie Beck Cohen


The Troubles in Northern Ireland: Cheatsheet—By Anne Kennedy

Here’s more info on the presentations and presenters:

Transatlantic textiles: Liberian quilts, world’s fairs, and museum collections—By Stephanie Beck Cohen

In 1892, Liberian quilter Martha Ricks traveled to London to present Queen Victoria with a quilt decorated with a coffee tree, marking the first diplomatic quilt gifted by a Liberian to a head of state. The queen then sent the quilt to Chicago in 1893 for the World’s Columbian Exposition, where quilt and quilter received global recognition. In this talk, Stephanie will discuss Liberia’s diplomatic gift of choice from the 19th century to JFK.

Stephanie Beck Cohen is an art history graduate student (Indiana University) and Mellon Foundation fellow studying Liberian art at the World’s Fairs and women’s networks in the 19th century. A first-timer in Monrovia, she’s interviewing as many quilters as possible before she has to head back stateside.

The Troubles in Northern Ireland: Cheatsheet—By Anne Kennedy

Cheat your way through any conversation about Northern Ireland’s bizarrely twisting conflict after just 20 minutes. Experts on conflict or Ireland and other disruptive types will be refused for partisan political reasons at the door.
Anne Kennedy is a freelance consultant based in Monrovia who does online promotion including creating websites and internet training. She is also the woman writing the first travel guide book to Liberia. In one of her many former lives she coordinated week long tours of Ireland that required her to talk non-stop about Ireland 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, for months at a time.

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